Thursday, September 1, 2011

The ups, the downs, and the in betweens!

I must warn you now, I may sound a bit whiny and irritating at certain points in this blog of may just be one of those damn whiny days too!!!

It has been a VERY busy past several weeks in the 'ole Heiring house. About a month and a half ago I found out that the excruciating pain that I was feeling was not just indigestion or a minor heart attack. Yes- I used the word heart attack- if you felt what I felt, you would have thought that you were dying too!!!! This lovely pain (what a positive way to put that) was actually my gallbladder letting me know that it has had it with this body and it was wanting a new place to stay. So, we parted ways on Monday, August 15th. Surgery went well, a little longer than expected due to a tumor that was found on my liver. Luckily, the tumor was still benign and all is "a-okay!" They removed the tumor and the gallbladder and after a rough first few days with a lot of pain, I am proud to announce that I am back on track, training hard, and chasing my little "chitlens" around again.

I have been busy attempting to keep up with the food intake that Oli has now begun. I make all of the baby food that our boys consume...Oli has DEFINITELY kept me on my toes and busy as ever. The boy eats non-stop, I swear. Maybe I feel so behind because when I had only Cole, I had all the time in the world to make this food, clean the house, get schoolwork done, and God knows what else I wasted my time doing. Now, they have me outnumbered and running like mad. That has to be the reason why I constantly feel behind, out of the loop, and unorganized. What a way to feel, huh? I just thank whoever is above me for the time I get with my boys. Watching them grow and change is such a remarkable experience that I never knew anything about until Cole and Oli graced our lives.

Cole has become quite the independent, defiant, and jubilant little 2 1/2-year-old. It seems as though we went from an independent, yet flexible child to a crazy, I do it my way when I want and how I want little boy in just a blink of the eye. I swear it happened over night. Some days, I feel as though all I do is put out fire after fire after fire in the house, but just when I am at my breaking point, Cole will turn the charm on and all is forgotten. I love those moments when it is just Cole and I and we have these in-depth conversations about such important things in know- loaders, diggers, trucks, going potty, daddy, Papa, and of course....THE BOAT!!! How could we not talk about the boat, even one day of no boat talk is unimaginable. He certainly loves his papa and his boat as well as the ground that his daddy walks on!! Most days, I wonder what goes on his little brain....what a ride it would be to just crawl up there and get to experience first hand what is actually going through Cole's brain. Maybe, just maybe, I don't want to know because I will finally learn what he is thinking when he is doing that one thing that I absolutely hate. Who knows....I am thankful for naps and bedtimes at 8 because if it weren't for those moments, I would go nuts some days! Does that make me a bad parent?

I recently spoke with a local church (I know, I just mentioned "church" in my blog, odd!!) about sending Cole 2-days a week for half of a day of 3-year-old preschool. He needs the structure, the organization, and socialization. I think it would help to keep him challenged and well-balanced. I will miss him, but I will also love the time away from him as well. I hate to say it, but my baby needs time away from me too.

Oliver has made some huge milestones in the past few baby boy is FINALLY sitting up completely by himself, throwing himself to the ground (that just sounds harsh), rolling around, and has begun to get up on both his hands and his knees and is rocking and pushing backwards. So far, he can slowly, but surely get across the living room floor backwards and is GREAT at getting stuck under things. This new found exploration has also allowed Oli to be more in tune with what is around him and not have the constant need/want/desire to always be held or in close proximity to me. Besides Oli's new found movement, he has become quite the eater as well. We have closed in on testing and eating almost all of the veggies and we are now beginning to learn the world of fruit. Boy does he love food. I am now only nursing morning and night . Oli is starting to feed himself some finger foods and is holding onto his sippy cup, but not quite drinking from it yet. Oli has started to join in on the bath fun with Cole, but he still stays in his tub. He may be 9 months now, but he still is a little peanut. At his check-up, his weight was in the 7%, head circumference in the 6% (he has my tiny head), and his height was in the 25%. He is so incredibly opposite from what his big brother has been.

Curt has been non-stop at work. A TON of over-time has been put in in the past month to help get the computers and network ready for the beginning of the school year. Cole has struggled with this and I have missed having my best friend around greatly. He leaves early and comes home late. Its amazing what we do for our families, but Curt goes above and beyond for us. We have taken such a huge hit financially this year with Curt's 20% and now my 20% cut too. I just keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason and this reason is just not known yet.

We also recently welcomed in a new addition to our family. I found out about a rescue organization near Portage, WI that was going under and was in financial trouble. The property was being auctioned off and there was still animals that desperately needed homes. I told Curt about the group and he immediately told me no, but the more I told him about the group and started showing him pictures the more he eased up. I have always had this dream of owning a black and white cat- a cow cat!! They happened to have a little boy by the name of JR who was a "cow cat." We went and met him and ended up falling in love and bringing him home. He has been the perfect addition to our family and we are now larger then ever! It is never a dull moment in this house with all of the animals, children, and other crazy things going on. JR is quite the big baby and happens to be MY baby. You see, the last cat, Annie (we still have her) was supposed to be my cat. She didn't turn out that way. She LOVES Curt and really doesn't care for me. I was so excited when he really took a liking to me. As I type, JR is right next to my leg snoozing away along with all 3 dogs. I have no clue where Annie is currently hiding.

Besides surgery, work, and new additions, I have kept busy with my training. In September, I will be training quite extensively for my very first 5K run. I am doing 5 days of boot camp, some swimming, A LOT of running, spinning, and pilates. My plate will be full, but I have come to really enjoy what I am doing and my trainer has been amazing. I am changing as a person and I feel as though I am becoming a better model for my boys.

Well, this is long enough. I guess it isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...I had my ups and I had my downs, but isn't that how life goes???

Here's to an amazing Labor Day weekend full of fun, rest, and a little 5K action, wahoo!!!!

Signing off.....

Mama Bear

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Flying on by....

It always has amazed me how life has felt like it was flying on by, but I swear that each year life just moves even faster. I had one of those rare "calm" mornings with my boys today. They woke up over an hour early which made me a bit nervous at first. Whenever they are up early it typically means that my day will be loaded with tears, temper-tantrums, and a lot of whining. Today, however, was blissfully serene and calm. Maybe it is the "calm before the storm," but whatever it was beautiful!!

Oli nursed like a champ this morning (sometimes he gets a little busy and doesn't nurse as well when Cole is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off) and Cole was actually patient and willing to wait to eat breakfast until I was done with Oli. Cole wanted "mommy's cereal" so we sat at the table and ate our cereal and Oli ate his and we chatted about our dreams, Papa, and many other things. Don't worry....we talked about loaders and other construction vehicles as well.

The rest of the morning was picturesque. The boys played....Oli was entertained by Cole and I got to sit back and just adore my beautiful little boys. I also got to relish in how far Cole has come and how much he has really grown up. Today, he sat and "relaxed" on the couch and "read" his airplane book that we checked out from the library. He told me all sorts of stories while he was looking at the pictures. He also played with his boats. He totally imitated Papa when driving the boat and a few times I heard Cole say, "I gotta get a beer." Apparently, Papa and Daddy aren't the best of role models if he is telling his imaginary people that he needs to get a beer. Oh the joys of parenting!!

I just can't believe how much my little Cole has grown. He is walking, talking, running, jumping, and playing on his own. He is comprehending what comes next as well as what comes before. He recognizes and knows some of his colors. He is counting. He LOVES to read. Most importantly, however, he still will come back to me and lay his head on me for a back rub and some kisses. I hope that those little moments never stop. I thank whoever is above us everyday for the gifts and blessings that I have been given. I couldn't imagine two more beautiful little boys in my life or a better more handsome husband than I already have. Life is good....even if it is flying by!!

Today is the big day in for Shilling or go home!!! In the words of Cole, "Bye-bye 'Panke'!"

Mama bear is signing off....VOTE today!!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Teen Spirit.....or 2-year-old Spirit!

Wow....I am fairly certain that I have had my fair share of 2-year-olds and 2-year-old attitudes for like the next, I don't know, CENTURY!!!!! I know, I know, it will get worse- "Wait until he turns three, wait until he turns four, wait until he is a teenager, wait until he is 21!" I have heard all of these comments over and over and over!!! The honest truth is, however, I can wait. I will happily wait for those milestones because I don't want my baby to grow up. I don't want my baby to grow older and mature and no longer be just that, my baby!! Kind of odd that I am complaining about his attitude, yet not wishing for age to come quickly or maturity for that fact. Poor Curt, this is what he lives with....a wife and mother that is completely indecisive about life at times.

We had a very busy weekend, well, it has been an extremely busy 2 months!!! I still remember my summer off from school when I was pregnant with Cole. I had such horrible anxiety and fear and that summer felt like it would never end. I remember worrying that I would be stuck at home with my children and never having anything to do. I wouldn't ever be able to be an adult again. I will be honest, I LAUGH whenever I remember those thoughts and feelings. What was I thinking????? I was insane to waste my time worrying about that because, well, it never did happen. We are on the run constantly and this has been our busiest summer yet!!

We took both boys (along with a good majority of my family) to the Brewers game on Friday night. It was both mine and Curt's first experience at Miller Park. What a beautiful stadium it really is. Cole did "ok" for not having a nap and for having to drive to Milwaukee before hand. The night in the hotel wasn't the best overnight we have had, but we survived thanks to my boobs abilities to keep Oliver content and quiet for sometime. (Don't worry, I am not shy about hanging my boobs out for Oli or for talking about them- its a natural thing!!)

On Saturday, we came home and then had a pool party over at my brother and sister-in-law's house. We had a fab time and Curt and I were actually able to be somewhat like adults and have fun too!! We did a movie outside and enjoyed some nummy s'mores!! Sunday was supposed to be our rest and relaxation day, but we ended up needing to go to Rochester to pick up some fresh peaches from down south (Mmmm, makes my mouth water just thinking about it) and then we made 2 pit stops at the Hu Hot (Mmmm, again) and Trader Joe's. We did, however, end the weekend on a very quiet, relaxing note.

Today, I had my follow-up with my regular doctor for my gallbladder attack that I had last Wednesday. It appears as though surgery will be in my future, but I will learn more next week after the ultrasound and visit with the surgeon. I brought both boys with me to the doctor and let me tell you, that was a treat!!! Please note, there is A LOT of sarcasm built into that last sentence. I came prepared. I boobed Oli beforehand, I brought snacks for Cole, and it was to be a very short visit. Let me tell you, there was not enough preparation in this world for me to entertain and stop the 2-year-old attitude that has surrounded my little Cole. WOW!!!! I chased him up and down halls, I watched him chuck his bag of dried bananas across the room several times, and then I walked with a screaming Cole all the way back to the truck. Oli, however, was a smiling little gentleman the entire time. Cole's temper tantrums have continued throughout the day and ultimately ended in temper tantruming (like my made up word??) himself to sleep in his crib. We will just have to see what after nap will bring....I am hoping for a pleasant surprise and not just another tantrum. I am almost 100% positive that the people around me at the clinic thought I was nuts when I sat Oli down, put the diaper bag down, and plop went Cole on a timeout. I spoke to him, at his level, and used words like "happy, sad, make better choices, and mommy loves you, but the tantrum needs to stop." I am sure they loved the bag of dried bananas getting chucked across the room. Sometimes, I just want to make eye contact with the people watching me and say, give him a target, he has a great arm!!! Oye!!!!

In the end, though, I can't wish another day to go by because my babies are growing older and I am not sure how I will handle the business of "empty nesting" someday. I do, however, cherish my nap times and quiet in the house. Speaking of quiet, however, my time is officially over as I now hear Oli wrestling around in his crib. Damn him!!!

Here's to hopefully a calmer week and maybe even a happier, more cooperative Cole. I know, I know, like my mom always says, "What comes around goes around, I had it coming to me after what I was like as a child for my parents." Here's to a calm, serene, and peaceful week....oh boy!!

Love always,

The hopeful Mama Bear!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

A big ole' pot of Goulash'y Words

I have been pondering about what I should write about next in my little blog for the past week or so (or since my last posting, whenever that was). So many things have crossed my, money, kids, working out, The Warrior Dash, etc. I still have yet to come up with a good "thing" to write about so it may just end up being a bunch of rambling and nonsense. Sorry about that!!

So here goes nothing....since my last blog we have had a very busy and exciting week. Both boys are doing swimming lessons and while we knew from past experiences that our boys would be little fish, Cole continues to amaze us with his skill, perseverance, and strength while in the water. He is an animal....or a fish if you want to get technical!! You could give that boy a floaty and a noodle and I am fairly certain he may never come back out of the water unless there were some pretty darn appetizing food on dry land. Oli just giggles and laughs while he swims in the water. He is so animated. Makes my heart get all warm and tingly when he giggles and smiles at me.

Some may know, but not everyone....I have been working out heavily over the past month and a half. I have a new goal, like I didn't have too many goals before this one, to officially run a 5K race and then possibly a half-marathon or triathlon in the next year or two. I have been working out extensively with a group of amazing people. The dictator, I mean trainer, is someone that I personally highly respect and admire!! I have learned a lot about myself during these workouts and it has given me time to reflect on myself and to grow from my experiences. Lets be honest here and admit that I SOMETIMES can be a little negative (okay, A LOT negative). This has always been a struggle of mine and I think it has played its fair share into my low self-esteem. Doing these workouts and watching myself grow has done so much for my attitude and outlook. It does help that both Danni and Curt are "Positive Comment Nazi's" (I mean that in the most loving and positive way by the way) and they hound me to change my wording. These changes are starting to sink in and I am seeing change and growth in myself. How amazing is that??? This, however, has been a long time coming. Last week, Cole began using the word "I can't" for everything. Now at first, it was obvious that he was just trying to test the limits and see how far he could get and who would do what for him. However, his "I can't" has progressed and my fear is that this is leading to a lower self-esteem than I would honestly like for him to have. my best cheerleader voice and dance, I have become the overly-enthusiastic mom about EVERYTHING. I am fairly certain that my damn head may pop-off at some point because I am so excited about life and Cole believing in himself. Oh boy, these are new waters for me to navigate through!!

Our week ended with an "Anger Management" learning/teaching session for our dog, Ry and the Warrior Dash. Now, you may be giggling because I did just use a series of words together in the same context. Yes, "Anger Management" and our dog. Ry has a bit of an anxiety issues and we are working on taming that issue and allowing for him to relax and be more comfortable in his surroundings. How silly does that sound? We met with a trainer and did some 1-on-1 training with Ry and we are now equipped with good treats, a wealth of knowledge, and a determination to help Ry feel more comfortable in his surroundings. I will keep you posted as we have many more sessions coming up, gulp!!

Last, but not least, we accomplished our first Warrior Dash this past Saturday. The Warrior Dash is a 5K run/obstacle course. You run up and down ski hills, climb cargo nets, scale walls, crawl under barbed wire, slide down little hills, jump over fire, and swim through a pit of mud. Oh....and you run through thick, sloppy mud too. I ran the course in an hour and 9 minutes. Not bad for a first try, but hope to beat my time next year. We got incredibly muddy, but had a blast. It was a great bonding experience for Curt and I to do together. I felt horrible the whole time as Curt could have done so much better had he not stuck by my side, but being the amazing man that he is, he stayed right next to me the entire time. He talked A LOT and there were a lot of times I wanted to scream, "SHUT UP" at him, but I just quite simply could not get the breath out to say anything and it gave me a fire to fight on. The course was tough. I did great with my running, but the hills killed me!! We had a great friend come along with us and take pictures and keep us company. Miss Carrie also got some free beer out of it so I think she was happy.

Well, I think this is where I need to cut my ramblings short and end this blog for now. This week brings A LOT of working out, a Packer Shareholder's meeting, a Milwaukee Brewer's Game, and the Milwaukee Zoo. It will be a busy, but fun week. Hopefully, I can find sometime to upload some pictures from our crazy adventures. I don't have the energy at the moment to proofread this blog, so if there are errors, I apologize in advance. Have an amazing rest of the day....

Love always,

Mama Bear....and her little cublets too!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mama Bear....signing in!!

Here I sit....a virgin to the blogging world. Ladies and Gentleman, you have officially become the very first customers to have a free little preview in the crazy and chaotic life in the "Heiring Household." Most nights, I go to bed with a smile on my face and many captured moments throughout the day that I can tuck away in my storage for later use. I can't imagine going to bed at night and not being as thankful as I am for the wonderful little family that I have.

With that being said, however, Curt and I have had many little trials and tribulations that we have had to overcome already in the year of 2011. I am not quite sure if we will be able to chalk the year of 2011 as "a good year" or "a bad year." So far, my sources are telling me won't be so positive of a year. Many changes have happened in our lives since February. Curt was hit big time by the changes that took place in Wisconsin's Government and Budget. That has left us with quite a punch to the stomach. Let's just say that our kids are GREAT protestors....shit, Cole still walks around the front yard carrying one of our signs yelling, "Kill the Bill!!" I <3 my little protestors, that is for sure. Curt and I were able to experience some amazing scenery at our beautiful capital this year and I am proud to have been able to peacefully stand up for our rights and fight for all of the amazing Union Workers around Wisconsin. We fought for our freedom and we will continue to do so!!

Many more "not so positive" things have arisen since February, but really, who wants to just hear about all of the bad and negative stuff that has happened? I certainly don't want to re-hash all of that again. I have cried enough tears to fill a, I am changing my attitude towards it all and reminding myself that the more that is thrown at us the harder and stronger we must fight. Curt and I remain a unified team and we are determined to show our boys what it means to fight for what you want!! So boys, here we go....changing our attitudes and living our lives to the fullest!

I guess, in my ramblings for today, I had this vision that in 50 or so years....maybe when Curt and I are gone from this planet and have moved on towards our next life, that this Blog could be somewhat of an insight into what our lives were life. Our boys, hell any of our children, could have a view into what it was like to live in 2011....or any other year. They can see a sampling of what they were like, maybe they might even feel bad for some of the torturous temper-tantrums that they have thrown and see the love that pours out of every porous in our body. I hope that this blog will answer questions that may never have been thought of or to fill the emptiness and void of losing a loved one!

My goal is share the trials and the tribulations that Curt and I face everyday (or week....or month for that matter). Life is moving at such a fast and rapid rate and I feel like as I sit down to reflect I have already lost out on so many other moments. This is my attempt to allow snippets of our lives to infect others and maybe we could inspire someone along the way. Who knows, I am GREAT at rambling, but not always great at making sense. You know??

The time has come for me to end this blog...something of which I am not very good at- ending things! So....why not end it any other way but abruptly. For now, I must retire from the blog land and return to my little men and their needs. The "Nap Gods" have been good to me today and they have blessed our sweet little angels with some shut-eye. Enjoy the day....and the 112 degree heat index. We are heading to the pool in just a little bit in order to get some reprieve this heat wave.

Much love and a ton of excitement!!!


Mama Bear!!!